(1131 words/4.75-minute read)
In any relationship—whether personal or professional—value is a two-way street. Both the sender and receiver must derive some level of value from the investment or transaction for the relationship to thrive. This fundamental concept of value exchange is...
(1666 words/7-minute read)
Weighing the Pros and Cons of IT Investments
When talking about justifying an IT investment, or really any investment for any reason, there are always pros and cons. Time spent analyzing what you get with the investment versus what you currently have can often be...
(1569 words/6.5 minute read)
What is business analysis? Who is a business analyst? They are the coolest people and things since sliced bread (well…if you think sliced bread is cool that is). I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a business analyst! Yet it can be a hard sell to...